Ecological consequences of fragmentation on the mammal community in the buffer zone of the Tambopata National Reserve




Amazon, fragmentation, mammals, Tambopata, threats


The objective was to know the potentialities and limitations of the territory, which serve to define development policies and territorial ordering, as well as the identification and promotion of development projects. The study has been prepared from the analysis of the information collected in the field with the purpose of carrying out a survey on the biological diversity of wild fauna and the environmental problems that affect it. It was possible to identify the attributes of High Biological and Ecological Value, which the study area has by maintaining populations of important and representative species of the wild fauna of the southern Amazon and conserving the diversity of the landscape and the naturalness of the forest, by maintaining a large number of forest species that bear fruit most of the year; as well as populations of arthropods (invertebrates with exoskeletons), which are the food source of wildlife. The identification of areas for the conservation of biodiversity and ecological processes supports it as a high-value resource that we must conserve.


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How to Cite

Delgado-Bernal, M., & Merediz-Durant, C. (2022). Ecological consequences of fragmentation on the mammal community in the buffer zone of the Tambopata National Reserve. Ariotake – Revista De Investigación Veterinaria Y Amazonía, 1(1), e175.