Use of coca leaf dust in the response to stress in juvenile paco (Piaractus brachipomus) under a recirculation system with biofloc
aquaculture, diet, hematological evaluation, physico-chemical parametersAbstract
The development of aquaculture activity in the Madre de Dios region requires new technologies to optimize sustainable production. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the addition of coca leaf dust in response to stress in juvenile paco (Piaractus brachipomus) under a biofloc recirculation system in the aquaculture pilot plant of a Peruvian Amazonian university. For this, we carry out an applied investigation of experimental design; we used 900 paco juveniles, which were randomly distributed in three treatments with two repetitions, forming six experimental units (circular tanks) with 150 fish each. The results show that the use of coca powder in diets for paco juveniles in a recirculation system with biofloc did not influence water quality, productive and hematological parameters (p>0.05), averages analyzed by Tukey's test. It is concluded that the concentration of coca leaf dust in a period of 60 days improves growth and physiological status in juvenile paco.
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