Productive response of the inclusion of moringa (moringa oleifera) in the feeding of hens in the second period of production
egg quality, hens, moringa, production parametersAbstract
With the purpose of determining the effect of the inclusion of moringa leaf meal (HHM) on the productive parameters of laying hens. Thirty hens in phase II of laying were randomly distributed in three treatments (0%, 1% and 2% of HH) in the poultry farm of the National University of the Altiplano - Puno. Productive parameters (live weight, feed intake and feed conversion) and egg quality (shell thickness, white and yolk quality) were analyzed for 60 days. In the three treatments, weight gain and feed consumption did not show differences. While feed conversion and shell thickness were improved at the 2% MMF level. It is concluded that the inclusion of 2% of MMF improves the feed conversion and the thickness of the shell of the eggs in laying hens.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Eliseo Pelagio Fernández-Ruelas, Max Rudy Borda-Pandia, Marcelino Jorge Araníbar-Araníbar, Uri Harold Perez-Guerra, Yan Pierr Manrique-Quispe, Francisco Halley Rodríguez-Huanca

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