Comparison of the antiseptic effect of three commercial products on canine skin pre and post-surgery




alcohol, bacterial burden, Chlorhexidine, Triclosan


The objective of the research was to compare the antiseptic effect of three different commercial chemical products on the skin of canines in the pre-surgical and post-surgical moments of a preventive octubrehysterectomy. The sample population was made up of 30 healthy female canines, randomly divided into 3 groups of 10 animals, in each group a commercial antiseptic was applied in the abdominal area, the first group Chlorhexidine 2.5%, the second Alcohol 96 ° and the third Triclosan 0.5 %. The samples obtained were conditioned in a sterile manner and sent to the laboratory for individual microbiological analysis, the result of which was expressed in Colony Forming Units (UFC). Of the statistical evaluation (p<0.05), show significant differences between the applications, Chlorhexidine 2.5% and Alcohol 96° show homogeneity and efficacy in the treatment, unlike Triclosan 0.5%, which shows the development of UFC. We conclude that the antiseptic with the lowest UFC load is Chlorhexidine 2.5% followed by Alcohol 96°.


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How to Cite

Paucar-Cabrera, E., García-Núñez, R. Y. ., & Lope-Huamán, R. J. (2022). Comparison of the antiseptic effect of three commercial products on canine skin pre and post-surgery. Ariotake – Revista De Investigación Veterinaria Y Amazonía, 1(1), e157.