Management of two techniques and doses of solvents to improve the texture, stickiness and odor properties of vegetable leather based on rubber latex (Hevea brasiliensis)




faded, odor, stickiness, sun dried, solubility, texture


The production of vegetable leather in the region of Madre de Dios based on rubber latex is affected by the scarce application of techniques and handling of solvents for sulfur. The objective of this study was to evaluate the doses of solvents (chestnut oil, Vaseline, carbon sulfide and water) for sulfur and two techniques for making vegetable leather. We applied a DCA with factorial arrangement (A×B) 4 × 2. Likewise, we carried out the ANOVA according to the GLM procedures of the SPSS statistical package for the variables stickiness and texture of vegetable leather, and thus determine significance between the treatments studied. Among the results, it stands out that the texture variable was significantly affected by the effect of the diluting factors and type of drying (p<0.05). In addition, the stickiness variable was affected by the type of drying factor (p<0.05), with no significant differences (p>0.05) being found in the stickiness variable under the effect of the diluent factor. It is concluded that the best solvent for sulfur is Vaseline (apolar in nature) with a solubility percentage of 18.8%.


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How to Cite

Canal-Lezema, L., & Cutipa-Chavez, L. (2022). Management of two techniques and doses of solvents to improve the texture, stickiness and odor properties of vegetable leather based on rubber latex (Hevea brasiliensis). Revista Amazónica De Ciencias Básicas Y Aplicadas, 1(1), e159.