Fossilized Wood in the Amazon of Madre de Dios - Peru, its anatomy and its age through C14


  • Leif Armando Portal-Cahuana Universidad de São Paulo/ Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
  • Percy Amilcar Zevallos-Pollito Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios
  • Erick Grandez-Piña Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios



fossil, paleoxylology, broadleaved, radiocarbon


Wood fossils are an important resource for knowing information about the past, however, very little is known about fossilized wood in the Peruvian Amazon, what species existed and what time they are from. Here we anatomically describe a wood fragment for the first time and determine its age using C14. The sample found comes from the San Bernardo mining area in the Madre de Dios region of Peru. The results show that the fossilized wood fragment belongs to a broadleaf species mainly due to the presence of vessels, with the presence of diffuse porosity, medium texture and aliform parenchyma. Regarding the determination of the age of the fragment, unfortunately, the analysis showed that the carbon of the fragment has been completely replaced, which is why its age could not be determined by means of C14. These results highlight the importance of carrying out this kind of study in the Peruvian Amazon.


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How to Cite

Portal-Cahuana, L. A., Zevallos-Pollito, P. A., & Grandez-Piña, E. (2022). Fossilized Wood in the Amazon of Madre de Dios - Peru, its anatomy and its age through C14. Revista Amazónica De Ciencias Básicas Y Aplicadas, 1(2), e181.