Soil arthropods in agroforestry systems of the Inambari district in Madre de Dios
macroarthropods, agroforestry system, soil monolithAbstract
In the present exploratory study carried out in the Inambari district of the department of Madre de Dios in Peru, the population of macro arthropods was evaluated in 20 plots with different types of agroforestry systems and with different ages, which were classified into three groups by age, and by type of agroforestry system. In each plot, the soil macro arthropods were collected from six soil monoliths that had the following dimensions: 25 cm x 25 cm x 30 cm, preserving the individuals in 95% alcohol, to later identify them and report them in number of individuals/m2. 3046 individuals were collected, finding that the most important orders at the level of the entire study area were: Haplotaxida, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Dictyoptera and Isoptera with more than 100 individuals per square meter. Earthworms were the most dominant species in agroforestry systems 1 and 3, while in agroforestry system 3 Isoptera dominated. In the oldest agroforestry systems the Isoptera dominated while in the youngest systems the Haplotaxids.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Joel Peña-Valdeiglesias, Rembrandt Canahuire-Robles
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