First record of Manicaria martiana Burret (Arecaceaea) for Perú, Distribution, Ecology and Ethnobotany


  • César Augusto Grández-Rios Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana
  • Henrik Balsley Universidad de Aarhus
  • Roberto Pezo-Diaz Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana
  • Berta Loja-Herrera Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola



Ampiyacu-Yahushyacu, Apayacu, Manicaria, Motum


In this document we recorded for the first time the palm tree Manicaria martiana for the Peruvian flora, coming from the Motum River, tributary of the Putumayo River, in the northeastern area of ​​the Peruvian Amazon (border with Colombia). Field records from these areas and other collections deposited in the Herbarium Amazonense (AMAZ) of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon were studied. With this new report and a previous one of Manicaria saccifera Gartner, reported in 1993, the presence of the two species of Manicaria is recorded for Peru. For both species, data on distribution, habitat, ecological importance, use and management given by the communities of the Muruy and Okaina ethnic groups in northern Peru are described.


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How to Cite

Grández-Rios, C. A., Balsley, H., Pezo-Diaz, R., & Loja-Herrera, B. (2022). First record of Manicaria martiana Burret (Arecaceaea) for Perú, Distribution, Ecology and Ethnobotany. GENTRYANA, 1(1), e216.



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