List of the Meloidae (Coleoptera) of the Cusco region, Peru

Lista de los Meloidae (Coleoptera) de la región Cusco, Perú




Biogeography, Cantharidina, Blister Beetles, New Records


A list of the species of the Meloidae (Coleoptera) family of the Cusco region is presented, based on a review of material and bibliographic sources. The list comprises seven genera and 16 species included within two subfamilies, Nemognathinae, with the Nemognathini and Horiini tribes, and the Meloinae subfamily, with the Tetraonycini, Epicautini, and Pyrotini tribes.  The species Epicauta  (Epicauta)  latitarsis  (Haag-Rutenberg,  1880),  Epicauta (Epicauta) weyrauchi Kaszab 1960, Epicauta (Epicauta) zischkai Martinez 1955, and Pseudomeloe espostoi Escomel 1917 are new records for the region. A key is provided for the identification of the genera of Meloidae present in the Cusco region.


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How to Cite

Bustamante , A., Zuñiga , D., & Elme , A. (2023). List of the Meloidae (Coleoptera) of the Cusco region, Peru: Lista de los Meloidae (Coleoptera) de la región Cusco, Perú. GENTRYANA, 2(1), 34–45.



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