Guidelines for Authors
A. Manuscript preparation considerations
The submission of papers to the GENTRYANA journal implies the consent of the authors for peer review, correction, editing and subsequently the consent for the publication of the work as it will be presented after the final proof of the manuscript.
The authors acknowledge that GENTRYANA adheres to the open access policy by giving immediate free access to its content under the principle: making research freely available to the public fosters greater global knowledge sharing. All authors guarantee the quality and originality of the work through a cover letter; The letter will be considered an affidavit and must state that:
1. Manuscripts must be unpublished (not having been previously published in a substantially similar form or with substantially similar content) and not being evaluated in another publication.
2. They guarantee that all the data contained is exact and all the facts declared come from observations or investigations carried out by the authors.
3. They guarantee the authorship of all the nominees in the work and their relevant participation in the design, execution and analysis and are responsible for the published work.
4. They guarantee that the work presented does not present competition problems in the results or conclusions drawn.
5. The authors guarantee that they did not violate national or international laws or ethical or bioethical standards in the preparation of the article.
6. This letter must be sent signed by the authors, when submitting the manuscript through the OJS system of the journal.
B. Understandings on the use license
Entering into force at the time of their consent for publication, the authors agree that the article will be published by the GENTRYANA journal, in printed and digital media, in addition to being adapted to computer systems that expand its visibility and dissemination, including its reproduction or publication. in formats suitable to be read by machines and their incorporation into retrieval systems and bibliographic databases.
The authors, knowing that the GENTRYANA journal has an Open Access policy (Open Access) accept the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LICENSE (CC BY 4.0).
C. Peer review process
The articles published by the GENTRYANA journal are subjected to an evaluation process that includes:
1. Evaluation of the journal's standards: it begins with the reception of papers. The works sent to the GENTRYANA journal are evaluated in the first instance by the Editorial Team who will review compliance with the Guidelines for the presentation of the works, the application of a review with an anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin). Papers that do not meet any requirement of the Guidelines for Authors will not be accepted. This process takes about 1-3 weeks.
2. Peer review: The accepted papers will be submitted to an evaluation process by anonymous reviewers (peer review). This process has a very variable duration, usually between 1 and 4 months. The reviewers will be selected for their expertise and knowledge on the subject to which the work to be evaluated refers. The reviewer is requested to evaluate the work according to international quality standards and criteria for publication.
The reviewers will have the following characteristics: knowledge of the topic, not having competition problems, being recognized as a researcher and academic, responsibility and discretion in the evaluation.
The reviewers receive the rules and recommendations on ethics and good behavior that the Editorial Committee expects. Selected reviewers do not receive remuneration. The authors of the articles can suggest reviewers when they send the cover letter, the Editorial Team reserves the selection of the reviewers. The type of review is simple, that is, the reviewer remains anonymous.
Evaluation: The referees or reviewers issue suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the article. The evaluation of the referees qualifies the work as:
- Work for publication without changes.
- Work for publication with minor changes.
- Work for publication with major changes.
- Job rejected.
- Work with suggestion for another magazine.
3. Acceptance and editing work. The paper has the status of ACCEPTED when it has passed the peer review process and the author has made all the indicated corrections and modifications. The accepted paper is sent for proofreading and layout. The delay from the presentation to this stage (press work) is usually between four and six months.
4. Conformity and permission for final publication. The diagrammed version will be sent to the author to be reviewed and returned with a letter of agreement and permission for publication. When the director of the journal has all the documentation that will allow him to publish the work, then the work will be considered a PRESS ARTICLE. GENTRYANA magazine only provides proof of ARTICLE IN PRESS.
D. Cover letter
The work will be accompanied by a letter addressed to the Chief Editor (by the OJS platform and to the email, indicating that they have read these guidelines for the presentation of works, ensuring the originality, unpublished and complete nature of the work presented and its available for review and editing. This letter will have the nature of an affidavit as stipulated in the directives of the Research Vice-Rectorate of the National Amazon University of Madre de Dios and the "Alwyn Gentry" Herbarium, referring to the authorship of published works.
E. Submission of manuscripts
• The work files will be sent by the OJS platform of the GENTRYANA magazine, and exceptionally via email to:
• The texts do not require a particular format, the default fonts (fonts), spacing and margins provided by Word must be used. Do not use different families of letters, do not force line spacing or spaces between words.
• Papers can be submitted in English, Spanish or Portuguese.
• Authors must ensure that mathematical equations are editable, not images.
F. Identification data
They must contain:
Title (in English and Spanish), written in high and low, with a length of no more than 150 characters, including spaces.
Name and surname of the author or authors.
ORCID code of the first author or corresponding author.
Email of the first author or corresponding author.
Institutional affiliation of the authors. Refers to the institution or institutions that produced the research. In the case of proceeding from a thesis, the institution is the academic unit. The postal address of the institution, email address of each one of the authors, and indicate the current postal address of the author for correspondence should also be included.
Abstract of no more than 250 words (in English and Spanish).
Key words, five (in English and Spanish).
Contribution information. The contributions of all authors must be described.
GENTRYANA journal has adopted the CRediT Taxonomy. The corresponding author is responsible for providing contributions from all authors at the time of submission. Contributions will be published with the final article, and must accurately reflect contributions to the work.
Information on conflict of interest. GENTRYANA journal requires authors to declare all conflicts of interest in relation to their work. All submitted manuscripts must list all competing interests (financial and non-financial). In the case of authors who do not have a conflict of interest, they must explicitly state "The author(s) declare(s) that they have no conflict of interest". The Publisher may request more information in this regard.
Funding Source. The source of financing for the work must be indicated, and include the code or reference number of the financed project.
G. Format and style of manuscripts
1. When the article exposes new species, new records, biogeographic extensions or taxonomic inventories, the deposit of the specimens in a taxonomic reference center (eg herb and/or mus) must be indicated.
2. The scientific names of the genus and species will be in italics. The first time an organism is cited, it must be done with its full scientific name (genus, species and author); Subsequently, only the initial of the generic name and the full specific name may be cited.
3. Citations of articles in the press must include the volume, the year and the name of the journal where they will be published; otherwise they should be omitted.
4. Citations to summaries of academic events (congresses, conferences and others) and personal communications should be avoided.
5. Figures (maps, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, graphs, photos, etc.) and tables will be numbered correlatively with Arabic numerals. Figure legends must be presented in the same text and must be sufficiently explanatory. Each table should have a descriptive title at the top. When the figure or table is cited in the text, do so in full (e.g. Table 1, Figure 1).
a) Original articles: These are articles from a primary, unpublished source that disclose the results of research topics and constitute important contributions to scientific knowledge. They must present the following parts: title, authors, Abstract (in English and Spanish), keywords (in English and Spanish), Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments and Bibliographic references. The entire article must have a maximum text of 15 pages, illustrations will be accepted only when necessary for a better presentation of the results. This category also includes Taxonomic Presentations, which correspond to the description or update of new taxa:
- For new taxa, the diagnosis is required in Latin or English, followed by a full description in the language of the document. New taxa take the form: Taxon Name of author(s). Write. Reference to the figure(s).
- Complete description. Discussion. Paratypes.
- New combinations take the form: New combination (Basionym author (s)) Author (s). Basionym: citation. Other previous combinations based on the same basionym. Basionym type.
- If the synonymy being listed is thought to be new, the words "Syn. November" are placed after the basionym.
- New names take the form: New Name Author(s). Replaced name: citation. Other previous combinations based on the same type. The type of the replaced name.
b) Scientific notes: Corresponds to primary source articles, which disclose results of priority interest to the scientific community. It must include a maximum length of 10 pages.
Instructions for original articles:
- Title and authors: The first page includes an informative and precise title in relation to the content of the work, followed by the name of the authors and the institution(s) to which they belonged during the work and current addresses (including e-mail). . The title must be Authors who wish to use paternal and maternal surnames must join both by a - if there are several authors, the respective addresses are referred to by correlative numbers indicated as superscript at the end of each name. For example: Alfredo Tupayachi¹ and Rosa Urrunag-Soria², next line enter the data and institutional address. example: Botany Department, San Antonio Abad University of Cusco, A.P. 500, Cusco, Peru. Current address: Cusco Regional Government. Micaela Bastidas Cusco, Peru. Finally the email.
- Abstract: It must be a concise and informative report with no more than 250 words, of results and not a list of topics covered; Therefore, it is recommended to include quantitative references of the results (percentage, ranges, among others) to illustrate the generation of the results, and at the bottom of each summary up to five keywords should be stated. In addition, the abstract and five keywords of the work in English must be included.
- Introduction: You must present the problem within a theoretical framework and/or bibliographic review accompanied by the hypothesis(es), if any, and objectives(s) of the work.
- Material and methods: It must include and describe the study site (Study Area). Relevant aspects of the natural history of the species under study can be included. Includes Methodology, referring to including a concise description, but clear enough to allow the study to be replicated.
- Results: They can be presented in text, tables and The text must indicate the location of the tables and figures.
- Discussion: Includes the interpretation of the results and their relationship with other similar published works.
- Conclusions: Each conclusion should be expressed as a short sentence. Do not separate with bullets or enumarations.
- Acknowledgments (optional): They should be brief and related to the work.
- Source of financing: If applicable, indicate the institution that granted the financing and the number of the resolution, contract, etc.
- Bibliographical references: The citations in the text and the bibliographical references must be written according to the international standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) seventh edition.
In the body.
To cite the references in the text, follow in chronological order, such as the following examples:
…as suggested by various authors (Galdós, 1983; Áureas, 1994; Mendoza, 1997; Millanes et al., 2005)
…as indicated by Tarifa (1993), Cartagena & Ruiz (1996) and Pinto et al. (1999)
…as recently confirmed by Paz & Llanos (1996), Zaviola et al. (2009)
…contrary to what was found by Margaret (1978a, 1978b, 1998), Vargas et al. (2001, 2005).
…however, Beck & Garcia (in press)
…but in some years it flowers in October (C. Alarcón 1999, pers. comm.)
Bibliographic references
Chicchón, A. (1992). Chimane resource use and market involvement in the Beni Biosphere Reserve, Bolivia. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Florida, Gainesville. 271 p.
De Oliveira, A. & Nelson, B. (2001). Floristic relationships of terra firme forests in the Brazilian Amazon, Forest Ecological Management 146: 169-179.
Dirzo, R. & Miranda, A.F. (1991). Altered patterns of herbivory and diversity in the forest understory: a case study of the possible consequences of contemporary defaunation. pp. 273-287. In: P.W. Rice, T.M. Lewinsohn, G.W. Fernandez & W.W. Benson (eds.). Plant Animal Interactions: Evolutionary Ecology in Tropical and Tem. Regions. Willey, New York.
Honorio, E. N., Pennington, T. R., Freitas, L. A., Nebel, G. & Baker, T. R. (2008). Analysis of the floristic composition of the forests of Jenaro Herrera, Loreto, Peru. GENTRYANA Magazine 15(1): 5360.
IPNI. (2009). The International Plant Names Index. Published on the Internet (accessed in March 2009).
Stevens, P.F. (2009). Angiosperm Phylogeny Website, Version 6. [Online, retrieved January 2009]:
Instructions for scientific notes
In the scientific notes published in the GENTRYANA journal, the structure is simplified and only in: Introduction, Material and methods, Results and Discussion, and Acknowledgments. They should not exceed 10 pages.
Update: December 2022