Diversity and structure of the herbaceous understory vegetation and its relationship with herbivory and light in the Amazonian forest of Pongo de Qoñec, Southern Peru

Diversidad y estructura de la vegetación herbácea del sotobosque y su relación con la herbivoría y la Luz, en el bosque Amazónico del Pongo de Qoñec, Sur Peruano





abundance, coverage, effect, seedlings, richness


Herbaceous vegetation populations play a crucial role in ecological balance, especially in the understorey. However, they are little studied in the tropics. We assessed the understory herbaceous populations in a permanent plot in the Amazonian forest of the Kosñipata valley in southern Peru. All herbaceous individuals were evaluated in 10 subplots of (10 x 10 m), evaluating tree seedlings, lianas, shrubs and herbaceous individuals, with diameters less than 1.5 cm. Variables of cover, abundance, herbivory and light were considered. The results reveal the presence of 3 443 herbaceous individuals, distributed in 186 species, 115 genera, belonging to 60 families; the families with the highest species richness were: Fabaceae, Araceae, Acanthaceae and Marantaceae respectively. The most abundant species were: Entada aff. polyphylla, Myroxylon balsamum, Iriartea deltoidea and Polybotrya sp1. At the cover level, the species with the largest area were: Anthurium croatii, Iriartea deltoidea, Dennstaedtia dissecta and Pteridium sp. Abundances, covers and heights of tree, shrub, herb and liana seedlings showed significant differences (Kruskal-Wallis; P< 0.001). Herbivory was more related to plant abundance, cover and height than light incidence (r; P< 0.05). Furthermore, a significantly low effect of light on biological parameters was observed, with R² values < 0.1. We conclude that the diversity of herbaceous plants in the understory of the Pongo de Qoñec is varied, with differences between habits. Light has a limited impact.


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How to Cite

Huaman-Ovalle, N. A. ., & Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, I. . (2023). Diversity and structure of the herbaceous understory vegetation and its relationship with herbivory and light in the Amazonian forest of Pongo de Qoñec, Southern Peru: Diversidad y estructura de la vegetación herbácea del sotobosque y su relación con la herbivoría y la Luz, en el bosque Amazónico del Pongo de Qoñec, Sur Peruano. GENTRYANA, 2(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.55873/gentryana.v2i1.247



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