Diversity of birds in the Inca trail network (access to the Wiñaywayna sector) of the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu





abundance, birds, diversity, frequency, richness


The Historic Sanctuary of Machupicchu (SHM), has a great richness of flora and fauna species, among which birds are of great importance due to the existing variability between its ecosystems of montane forest and altimontane rainforest, which correspond to Winaywayna. This sector is of great conservation importance, given that most of the diversity of the SHM has been recorded there; of which birds are of great importance due to their biological interactions with the fauna present in this place where the following report records the presence of 243 individuals distributed in 42 species and 24 families, of which the most abundant are Zonotrichia capensis and Anisognathus igniventris and Anisognathus igniventris; Zonotrichia capensis, Pheugopedius eisenmanni and Penelope montagnii are the most frequent. Diversity is low, but its growth potential is high, the probability of finding more species is high, the richness indicates a lower number of individuals compared to species and there is little similarity between species recorded in different access zones to Wiñaywayna.


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How to Cite

Ayte-Turpo, A. (2023). Diversity of birds in the Inca trail network (access to the Wiñaywayna sector) of the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu. GENTRYANA, 2(2), e300. https://doi.org/10.55873/gentryana.v2i2.300



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