Factors associated with alcohol consumption and violation of the criminal code for driving vehicles while intoxicated, in the district of Tambopata, Peru
alcohol, associated factors, alcoholic beverage consumptionAbstract
The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the factors associated with alcohol consumption and the violation of the Penal Code for driving vehicles while intoxicated, in the district of Tambopata. The study had a quantitative approach with a correlational scope. We divided the sample into two groups, the first made up of 83 students from the National Amazonian University of Madre de Dios and the second by 90 residents of the district of Tambopata. We used the survey and a questionnaire-type instrument adapted from the Drug Use Screening Inventory (DUSI) as a data collection technique. As a result, we found that 68.21% of individuals consumed alcohol. We conclude that the violation of the Penal Code for driving vehicles while intoxicated was associated with personal, family and social factors; other indicators were not significant.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Luz Marina Almanza-Huamán, David Szczcpansky-Grobas, Aldo Israel Landa-Almanza , Ruben Paucara-Charca , María Soledad Taipe-Castillo
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