Professional ethics of the teacher and the ethical values of the students of the "CEBA" Jaén de Bracamoros - Cajamarca
professional ethics, student, teacher, valuesAbstract
The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the professional ethics of the teacher and the ethical values of the students of CEBA Jaén de Bracamoros - Cajamarca Region. The study was basic, level-correlational, non-experimental cross-sectional design, whose sample was 50 students from "CEBA" Jaén de Bracamoros - Cajamarca Region; the survey technique was applied and two Likert-type questionnaires were used as instruments for both variables. The results were statistically analyzed using Pearson's correlation (r = 0.733), which indicates that there is a high degree of correlation, therefore, there is a positive and significant correlation between variable 01: professional ethics and variable 02: ethical values. of the students, then we interpret that the professional ethics of the teacher is related to the ethical values of the students of the CEBA Jaén de Bracamoros with a level of significance of p = 0.000 < 0.05. The study concludes that the professional ethics of the teacher influences 54% in the ethical values of the students of the “CEBA”.
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