Organizational culture and job performance of teachers in the School of Accounting and Finance of the National Amazonian University of Madre de Dios




emotional capacity, relationships, responsibility


The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between organizational culture and job performance of teachers at the School of Accounting and Finance (EPCyF) of the National Amazonian University of Madre de Dios (UNAMAD). The study had a quantitative, descriptive correlational and non-experimental approach, it presented a sample of 24 respondents and a non-probabilistic sample, for the collection of information, and we applied two questionnaires to the teachers of the EPCyF. As results, we obtained that the organizational culture and work performance variables present a high level with an arithmetic mean equal to 208.83 and 170.25 and a standard deviation equal to 36.08 and 15.10 respectively, with a Spearman correlation equivalent to 0.264; with a "t" 2.85; with a p value equal to 0.212 and a significance level of 95%. We conclude that there is a weak positive correlation between the variables organizational culture and work performance of the teachers of the EPCyF of UNAMAD.


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How to Cite

Cairo-Daza, S., Ruiz-Márquez , Y., & Cahuana-Cairo , Y. P. . (2022). Organizational culture and job performance of teachers in the School of Accounting and Finance of the National Amazonian University of Madre de Dios . Revista Amazónica De Ciencias Sociales, 1(1), e158.