The perception of management skills and job satisfaction of the employees of Electro Oriente S.A., San Martín, 2020
communication, decision-making, efficiency, leadershipAbstract
The general objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the perception of managerial competencies and job satisfaction of the collaborators of Electro Oriente S.A., San Martín, 2020. Type of applied study; non-experimental research design. The research had a sample of 145 collaborators of the company, surveys were used as a data collection technique for both variables, which were applied to the sample. In accordance with the general objective, it was determined after applying the Pearson test; the relationship between both variables was evidenced, since the "p" value (Significance value = 0.000) obtained is less than 0.05. It is observed that the correlation coefficient gives a positive value of 0.785, which shows that the correlation is medium-high, which is why the alternative hypothesis is accepted. At the same time, it can be concluded that managerial skills are related to 61% of the variable job satisfaction, that is, the slope is positive, because the better the managerial skills, the greater the job satisfaction.
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