Associativity proposal to improve the management of producer committees in the buffer zones of Cordillera Azul Park
associativity, management, social responsibilityAbstract
Currently, the importance of a social responsibility approach in organizations is becoming increasingly important, since business activities are focused on planning and implementing actions for economic growth, which can have a negative impact on environmental and social conditions. In this context, an associativity proposal was developed to improve the management of Producers' Committees in the buffer zones of Cordillera Azul Park. The study, a basic, descriptive-propositive, non-experimental design, employed an analytical method. The sample consisted of 66 producers and a questionnaire was used as an instrument. The results showed that 54.5% of the Committees' associativity was deficient, and 57.6% of their management was deficient. The proposal called "Strengthening Sustainable Management: Associativity for Conservation in Producers' Committees in the Buffer Zones of Cordillera Azul Park" includes activities such as training, workshops on sustainable agricultural practices, strategic planning meetings, and the creation of a monitoring and evaluation matrix.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Luisa Gonzales-Alegría , Wilfredo Torres-Reátegui

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