Effectiveness of expert systems in the selection of coffee beans (Coffea arabica)
a systematic review
artificial intelligence, image processing, effectiveness, artificial visionAbstract
The selection of coffee beans is important for their productivity; however, small or medium-scale producers carry out this process manually, causing limitations that affect their production or marketing. The article aimed to analyze the effectiveness of expert systems in the selection of coffee beans. For this, the study consisted of a systematic review of the literature in the Xplore IEEE, SciencieDirect and SpringerLink databases, of articles published in journals indexed to Scopus, WoS or Scielo; between 2015 and 2021. The result of the review was a matrix of information according to author, article title, techniques or models, and the effectiveness of expert systems. These include the use of RGB image-processing parameters converted to HSV, such as HSL; and the effectiveness of the systems in all cases were greater than 80%. The review concludes that expert systems are effective for the selection of coffee beans, because they optimize time and improve quality in the selection of beans.
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