Agile methodologies XP and Scrum, used for the development of web pages, under MVC, with PHP language and Laravel framework
agile methodologies, Laravel, PHP, Scrum, XPAbstract
The objective of the article was to make a contrast between two of the most used methodologies in the development of Web applications being Scrum and eXtreme Programing (XP) the agile methodologies selected. For this, the documentation available in the recognized search bases such as ScienceDiret, IEEE Xplore Digital Library and Scielo was reviewed. Obtaining as a result of the arduous research, the presence of special and constantly changing requirements demanded by web applications in an environment of technological advances that demand it, thus achieving a glimpse of agile methodologies as suitable to handle these demands. It was concluded that Scrum is the most prepared methodology with the greatest capacity to adapt to change compared to the XP methodology.
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