Geographic viewer for monitoring dengue cases in the City of Puerto Maldonado, Peru




heat map, dengue, geospatial data, geographic viewer


Dengue is a disease transmitted by the bite of the infected Aedes Aegypti mosquito, found in semi-urban and urban areas with poor basic sanitation. In the world, there are millions of cases that are registered annually in tropical and subtropical countries, proving to be a great threat to the health of the human south. Dengue in our country is found with a higher proportion in Amazonian departments such as Loreto, Madre de Dios and Ucayali. The objective of this article is to implement a geographic viewer to improve the monitoring of dengue cases in the City of Puerto Maldonado-Peru, its development was based on PostgreSQL database and its geospatial complement PostGis, the publication of geospatial data through Geoserver and the presentation with Leaflet. Finally, the application shows a heat map, identifying areas with the highest incidence of dengue, improving case monitoring and planning with prevention campaigns.


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How to Cite

Navarro-vega, J. C., Miranda-Castillo, ‪Ralph, & Quispe-Flores, R. (2022). Geographic viewer for monitoring dengue cases in the City of Puerto Maldonado, Peru. Revista Amazonía Digital, 1(2), e193.



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