Monitoring of the body mass index in students of the university canteen of the Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios – Perú, 2022




Underweight, BMI, nutrition, normal weight, overweight


The purpose of the research is to know the nutritional status (BMI) of the students of the university canteen of a public university of Madre de Dios. It was carried out in the university canteen of the public university of the District and Province of Tambopata, Madre de Dios region. The research has a quantitative approach, non-experimental design, cross-sectional descriptive comparative level, the population and sample consisted of all 165 diners, whose weight was monitored for a month and stored in a database in real time. Finally, the results of the (BMI) of the students at the beginning indicate that 58.8 % are in normal weight, 33.9 % with overweight and 1.8 % with obesity grade I, while after the monitoring it was evidenced that 57.6 % are in normal weight, 35.8 % with overweight and 2.4 % with obesity grade I, concluding that the (BMI) had a significant increase at 95 % of confidence with respect to its mean (0.2656 ± 0.039).


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How to Cite

López-Salas, D. J., & Gallegos-Ramo, N. A. (2023). Monitoring of the body mass index in students of the university canteen of the Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios – Perú, 2022. Revista Amazonía Digital, 2(1), e249.



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