Implementation of a web system to improve academic management in universities: a case study




automation of processes, optimization of resources, technological tools


Information technologies have revolutionized academic management in educational institutions, enhancing efficiency and transparency. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of implementing a web information system at the Information Center of the National Amazonian University of Madre de Dios (UNAMAD). A system based on the agile methodology Scrum was developed to optimize key processes such as user registration, enrollment, task assignment, and certificate issuance. Pre- and post-implementation evaluations showed a significant reduction in management times, with a 12.94-minute decrease in user registration and 15.65 minutes in certificate issuance. The t-test revealed a statistically significant difference (t = -78.32, p < 0.001), confirming that the system effectively optimized academic management. In conclusion, the web information system significantly improved operational efficiency, benefiting both students and administrative staff.


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How to Cite

Huaman-Yupanqui, N. C., Zapana-Halire, Y., Ulloa-Gallardo, N. J., & Vilchez Navarro, Y. (2024). Implementation of a web system to improve academic management in universities: a case study. Revista Amazonía Digital, 3(2), e289.



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