Caracterização da flora e vegetação lenhosa da microbacia Chonta, Madre de Dios, Peru
comunidades vegetais, diversidade, Labirinto, TambopataResumo
In southern Peru, biodiversity is threatened by anthropogenic extractive activities such as illegal mining and forest clearing. This study characterized the vegetation according to its floristic and structural composition and described the diversity with emphasis on the use of the physiographic map and satellite images of an area of 37,498.11 ha, in 14 localities of the Tambopata and Laberinto districts, identifying 5 plant communities in the Chonta micro-watershed. Through quantitative inventories, 937 species were recorded with 4,476 individuals of trees, shrubs and trees, which are distributed in 419 genera and 94 families. The most diverse families were Fabaceae (83 spp.) and Moraceae (31 spp.), as well as species with high abundance such as Euterpe precatoria (130 ind.), Guadua weberbauri (114 ind.) and Iriartea deltoidea (59 ind.). Inga (34 spp.), Miconia (27 spp) and Pouteria (15 spp) were the most diverse genera. Lecythidaceae, with only 3 shafts, had the highest value in basal area due to the chestnut tree Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl. the most important tree in the structure of the Chonta forests. These results highlight the urgency of conserving these forests in the face of the threat of deforestation in Madre de Dios.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sufer M. Baez-Quispe , Hugo Dueñas-Linares , Jorge Garate-Quispe , Faraon Quispe-Huallpa
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