Prototype of a User Control and Monitoring System for the University Cafeteria Based on RFID Technology




mobile application, body mass index, RFID-based system, web system, servomechanism


The study developed a web system based on RFID technology to improve the control and monitoring of users of the university cafeteria, reducing process execution times and streamlining the control of diners. The sample included 165 users of the dining room of the Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios. The research was applied, explanatory level, with a pre-experimental design through measurements before and after the intervention. Data collection, such as weight, attendance and payment control, was performed in real time with RFID and Internet of Things (IoT) and the data were stored in Google Cloud. The quality of the software was evaluated using the ISO-9126 standard, reaching an acceptable level. For BMI monitoring, data were recorded in the database and the assumption of normality was verified by applying Student's t-test for related samples. The results indicated a significant increase in BMI at 95% confidence, with a mean of 0.2656 ± 0.039.


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How to Cite

Deyvis Jhon Lopez-Salas , D. J. L.-S. ., Gallegos-Ramos , N. A., & Miranda-Castillo, R. (2024). Prototype of a User Control and Monitoring System for the University Cafeteria Based on RFID Technology. Revista Amazonía Digital, 3(1), e286.



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