Development and evaluation of an educational video game prototype for reinforcing fractional operations in primary school students




interactive learning, cognitive development, gamification, educational technology


The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate an educational video game prototype, "Aventura Fraccionaria," aimed at reinforcing the learning of fraction operations in fifth-grade primary school students. A pre-experimental design was used, with a control and experimental group, applying pre- and post-intervention tests. Statistical results indicated that the experimental group significantly improved in addition and subtraction operations, with a Mann-Whitney U value of 196.000 and a p-value of 0.006, confirming significant differences compared to the control group. For more complex operations like multiplication and division, improvements were less significant, with a U value of 260.500 and a p-value of 0.257. It is concluded that gamification, through the educational video game, is an effective tool for improving fraction learning and increasing student motivation, though the prototype requires adjustments to enhance performance in more advanced operations.


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How to Cite

Gil-Acosta, P. S., Gallegos-Ramos, N. A., & Holgado-Apaza, L. A. (2024). Development and evaluation of an educational video game prototype for reinforcing fractional operations in primary school students. Revista Amazonía Digital, 3(2), e291.



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