Web application with Quick Response for library control of an educational institution in Puerto Maldonado





library, control, quick response, system


The purpose of this study was to develop and implement a web application with QR integration to improve the management of the school library of the IEE “Dos de Mayo” in Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios. The study is classified as basic, experimental, explanatory level, with a quantitative approach and longitudinal section. The data were collected through surveys. For the development of the system, the WAE (Web Application Extension) methodology was used, especially suitable for web applications, together with the Model View Controller architectural pattern. The programming language used was PHP through the CodeIgniter framework, SQL Workbench for database management and Bootstrap for the user interface. The results indicated significant improvements in library control, reducing inventory time (from 2-3 minutes to 1-2 minutes), loan time (from more than 4 minutes to 1-2 minutes) and book search time (from more than 4 minutes to 1-2 minutes). In summary, the implementation of the system significantly improved library control and optimized its operations.


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How to Cite

Quispe-Barra, D. R. (2024). Web application with Quick Response for library control of an educational institution in Puerto Maldonado. Revista Amazonía Digital, 3(1), e284. https://doi.org/10.55873/rad.v3i1.284



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