Digital skills in primary education teachers: Study in a Peruvian educational institution
digital competencies, educational tools, pedagogical strategies, professional commitment, professional learningAbstract
This study analyzed the relationship between the level of knowledge and the use of information technologies in primary and secondary school teachers at a Peruvian educational institution. A quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive-correlational design was used with a sample of 96 teachers selected through probabilistic sampling. Data were collected using validated questionnaires (Cronbach’s Alpha > 0.90). Results indicate that 66.67% of teachers have a low level of knowledge in information technologies, and 72.92% exhibit a low level of use. Spearman’s tests revealed a moderate significant correlation between knowledge and use (p=0.699, p=0.000) and between knowledge and professional commitment (p=0.613, p=0.000). It is concluded that limitations in technological training negatively impact teachers’ ability to integrate digital tools into their pedagogical practice, emphasizing the need for continuous training programs.
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